Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Some things are meant to be!

Last Saturday I had a lovely family day pottering around the shops, buying cakes and doing lunch. ahhh perfect. 

Except for the horrible nag nag nagging doubt when I got home.

 Id seen a multitude of perfect Carnaby Pyrex things...

I walked away.

Yep! I walked away!!

BUT I went back and they were all still there!! 

So with a strategic acquisition for my own collection- see below: 
The other pieces are for sale in my Etsy Shop

I grew up eating food cooked in pyrex with this pattern- and off plates with the same pattern! It holds so many warm memories for me! I hope it will form many delicious memories for whoever buys them. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

My Vintage Baby

Just had to share this picture of my little girl modelling a 30yr old vintage dress that used to be mine!
 I think she wears it well! 
What do you think!? 

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Orange Glow

One of my items made a Treasury list on Etsy!

Mine is the vintage Blouse on the bottom row! 
Take a look at the Treasury

This Treasury was created by ThirtleDesign take a look at their lovely things too! 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Paint By Numbers...

So I'm either so unbelievably fickle or... ok so I am unbelievably fickle.
Tonight I am in love with Paint by Numbers! This is not strictly true- its actually been an idea bubbling away in my mind ever since our new shop* became a reality. I am having one quite large wall as a pure mural serving no other purpose than to look nice!
Tonight I have been looking for inspiration and find myself in good company so I thought Id share with you:

*my real job is running a Towbar & Auto Electrical accessory company with my Husband- we are in the slow process of shop-fitting a new retail unit.

French Street Scenes found on squirrelpearl's Blog.

 Awesome clean light images from StudioLiscious  on Etsy- I want to achieve this light too

 Found this autumnal one on Idea Shower - Shame they have to shove a sofa in front of it - see the Blog for that.

This I LOVE!! Found here: Vintage Goodness  - PBNs are now right at the top of my car boot/charity shop list!! I have been looking on Ebay and there are some from the states that are fab- but Im just not sure its worth the carriage costs and the delivery wait!

This is possibly a bit too much and something to bear in mind! Found appropriately on Unusual Life

Best company of all? - The Etsy headquarters also have a PBN mural wall!!  : Etsy Wall  painted by Cabin Collective

So Excited! Cant wait to do my own!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

In love!

Im currently in love with surface design, specifically Wallpaper. So I have been trawling the net looking for free samples as I have some projects in mind, more on that another time!
I just HAD to share with you the sublime designs of Louise Body:


Ahhh well.... a girl can dream!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Blog Lovin'!

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/2972485/the-salvage-patch?claim=4e64sv2jgvb">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Follow me on Bloglovin :

Ive just joined! Im off to spend my evening following some new blogs! Im coming to get youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Shop News!

Id like to update you on my Etsy situation!
The placemats I sold to America did make it in time! I was SO relieved and that is an understatement! My customer was able to use them for her party and she was happy- so Im happy!
She even sent me a picture of them in use:
I do like a happy ending!

To add to that I finalised another sale today! The 1935 Singer Sewing machine has gone to a lovely home just a few miles up the road!
Bye Bye Sewing Machine!!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

I want Pink & Blue Cupcakes Please Mama!

Ok my kiddo- whatever you say! 

Errr... Okay here goes! 

What you need:

Two medium Eggs
150g good Butter at room temperature
150g Caster Sugar
150g Sifted Self Raising Flour
Red & Blue Food Colouring
One Small Helper
One laissez faire attitude to your floor
Large Bar of Milk Chocolate & Sprinkles to Decorate

What to do: 

  • Go to the shop because it turns out you dont actually have Eggs or Butter. 
  • Ok now you can get started. (I divided the ingredients in half so that I could make Pink & Blue) 
  • Preheat your oven to 190C.
  • Using properly room temperature Butter (it needs to be so that you cant pick it up and have it hold its shape) beat in the sugar- REALLY BEAT IT!

  • Break the egg into a bowl and REALLY BEAT that too. 
  • Ask your helper to gradually add your beaten egg while you.. uh... REALLY BEAT the mixture!
  • Retrieve the bowl that the egg was in from the main mixing bowl after helper drops it in along with the egg. Add a few drops of your chosen colouring...REALLY BEAT the mixture some more! 
  • Carefully add the flour by sifting into the mixing bowl- gently fold in using a metal spoon.
  • Scoop into silicon cake cases & transfer to the oven for 20 minutes.
  • Marvel at how the silicon cake cases really dont melt.  
  • Clear enough space in the debris to cool the cakes. 

  • Melt the chocolate... develop 6 extra arms to keep your helper out of the chocolate.
  • Peel back the cases and dip into the chocolate

  • Then you can dunk in sprinkles or leave them nude
  • Allow the chocolate to set....


Wednesday, 24 August 2011


My Etsy Shop has made its 1st sale!! Im over the moon about that! Im less happy about the fact that its taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get to my customer- not really the start I wanted for my Etsy career! 

Hopefully I wont get bad feedback and my next sale goes more smoothly. 
Im waiting anxiously for a message to see if they have finally arrived yet- and to keep myself occupied I have created a new Etsy Treasury list- Such fun for idle hands- like shopping without paying... and sadly without getting the goods either!! 
Im in love with Day of the Dead designs at the moment- take a look! 

:RawBone Studio: Etsy

Do you have Etsy Treasury lists? Link me up!! 

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Amongst the Knick Knacks

Amongst the Knick Knacks is a super sweet blog by my newest American friend Debs!
Im hoping to have a guest blog for her here soon - but in the mean time Im itching for you all to hop over and have a look!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Hoarding is Good!

Don't let ANYONE tell you any different!

Today I used something I have been holding on to since I was 11!

Thats ahem, 22, (OMG) years I have hoarded this!

This. Is Stamps.


Oh Yes!! I was an 10yr old Stamp Collector!! Welllll those adverts on the back of the Beano Annuals were totally irrisistable!! However age 11 it was cast aside and these pretty stamps were never stuck into the album... I still have that album too.. Somewhere!

Today I made Postage Stamp Bunting - It is quite possibly the cutest embodiment of geek-chic I have EVER seen!!

Here is a Link to my Etsy Shop- Please do take a look!

See You Soon!
And remember.... Its OK to hoard!!

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Making a slow return!! My Laptop is all better now! and I promise faithfully to always drink my Gin & Tonics to the side from now on!!
Ive been enjoying some lovely blogs...
Why dont you take a look too?
Oh So Lovely Vintage:

Ive been following Oh So Lovely Stef on Instagram- she has got a great eye for the cutest things!!


One from this side of the pond...

More pretty things from her too- sweet outfit inspirations!


I have been busy thrifting too- so there's more stuff for the shop and more stuff just for me (mwa ha ha ha) I might let you see... if youre very very nice to me!

Laters All!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Sorry! Out of Order!

After my flying start - I've hit a brick wall!
My darling laptop is in the clink. Ok so maybe a little over dramatic. My Laptop is away for repair -it's been gone for just over a week so far- and *should* be back on Thursday!
PLEASE let it be back on Thursday!

So.... what happened to my Laptop?

Well. A Single Solitary droplet of condensation from my Icy cold Tanqueray & Tonic fell on to the keyboard! Then the G & the H stopped working! Its actually pretty hard to get by without a G & H you know! (I did try!)

Tonight I've managed to borrow the Mr's Laptop - Im very grateful but it is rubbish!

You can follow me on Instagram- Im Bevlar on there!

See you soon!

(I hope!)

Monday, 13 June 2011

Old Glass

It does just feel different! colder, stronger yet more fragile.
Its like holding a time machine- takes you back to being 7 years old clutching with both hands the tumbler as you scarfed down some ice cold kia-ora dispensed from the weird box thing out of reach at the top of the fridge freezer! No-one has those squash dispensers anymore do they!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Just a quickie!

I just listed 3 more items!
THREE things (count 'em) in ONE evening!!

That's one of them! 8 Different styles for the 11.5" doll in your life.
This would give the 11.5" recipient a more sophisticated wardrobe than mine... but then that's not difficult!

Have a look at the others: http://www.etsy.com/people/SalvagePatch?ref=ls_profile

Ive had a real problem trying to gauge the price for these patterns- Its near impossible to make like for like comparisons for patterns within the UK, plus most of the patterns listed out there are either already cut or in fact PDF downloads. I've tried to be fair but we will have to see how things go!
Ill be listing the best quality patterns from my stash 1st and then there are a few pre-cut patterns to go on too!

See you soooooooooooooooooooooon!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

so, we rolling


I listed my 1st Item on Etsy! Phew I need a drink!

There was a lot of back-ing & to-ing figureing things out but I think Im there now. All except for the image quality is way too grainy in the main shot - All thanks to the low light level vs. iPhone4 conflict! - The DSLR is on charge and Ill rectify the situation tomorrow- but in the meantime at least I have something up there and we on the way!!

By the way, its a completely darling little baby blue smocked dress (age 0-6months)- take a look!

There's more where that came from too- just wait till I get faster at listing!!


Edited to add- Ive fixed the dodgy picture- Here's a link http://www.etsy.com/listing/75447129/baby-girls-blue-smocked-1980s-dress-3

Saturday, 4 June 2011

that awkward first post

Will I look back at this first post & cringe? 
I do hope not!
Im >< close to launching The Salvage Patch through this my Blog and through an Etsy Store for Sales.
Keep an eye on that link- I promise there'll be some pretty things very soon!

Today has been a good day.
 I found lots of things for Salvage Patch.
I have been photographing stock in the sunshine
 & enjoying family life in the garden.
Back soon, promise!